Would you be willing to give up EVERYTHING you have right now in order to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of?
Well, that’s what it’s going to take if you expect to start manifesting your wildest dreams into your physical reality.
You can’t achieve big things in your life if you’re creating from the energy of lack, doubt, or fear. And most of us are caught in this energy, attempting to dazzle ourselves yet finding the results often drab.
When you say that you want something new, and are conscious of your words, yet somewhere you don’t fully believe it’s possible for you, then you have compromised your request to the Universe. Two opposing energies are fighting each other.
Same goes with actions. If you’re conscious about your words and beliefs, yet your actions don’t support them, you’ve got opposition, which means wishy-washy results.
If you truly want to create something different in your life, then you’re going to have to give up ALL of your old habits, beliefs, and self-imposed limitations.
Now, you might be thinking, OMG, this is overwhelming. I can’t give up who I am! This is soooooo hard!
But no one said you had to do it all at once.
Here’s an example you might be able to relate to.
This morning my husband went on a rant about the dishes. He started playing the blame game and pointing the finger. I could tell his frustration was dialed high and he was determined to get his point across.
I started throwing stones back (the old, angry, I-also-have-to-be-right-all-the-time version of me) only to find that this was going to be a lose-lose situation.
In a moment of clarity I thought, I don’t need to be right. I don’t need to show proof that I’m right. It doesn’t even matter who’s “right” in this anyway. I just want peace.
And that’s what I chose. The new version of me is NOT someone who mirrors back the intense emotional reactions people throw at me. The new version of me mirrors back love.
I thought to myself, I can see where the anger is coming from, I understand my part in why and I’ll take responsibility for it (in my mind and heart), and I will just send love to this situation.
Then I sat with how I was feeling and just sent myself love for a minute. I proceeded to send love to everything that just happened and to my husband, for wherever he was at in that moment.
And I instantly felt better.
The old me would have carried anger and resentment around all day, but the new me can just let it go.
Did this shift in focus happen overnight? No. It took a lot of work to unravel what was lurking under the surface of this conditioned response of anger, but little by little the changes surmounted.
This is exactly what I’m talking about when I say that your new life costs you your old life. It doesn’t have to be a drastic one-and-done kind of thing (though it can be), it’s all about stepping fully into who you desire to be.
Baby steps. So long as you keep moving forward, that’s all that matters. One day you’ll look back and say “Wow, I’ve come a long way. I looooove my new life and am so pleased I am no longer who I used to be.”
I am grateful every day for the new choices I’m making, especially when they’re difficult. It’s not always easy to take the high road or act in the opposite way you’re used to.
I know what I’ve had to give up to get to where I am today, and I’ve been able to do so fairly easily. The things I’ve had to let go of I didn’t really want anymore anyway.
Now I’ve arrived at the point where I have to look at what’s good that I have to give up in order to get something even better.
I know the life I dream of is not far away, and that I have everything I need to be able to get there. I’m absolutely willing to give up a lot of what I have to catapult myself to where I want to go, do the things that scare me, and give up the old beliefs that I’m not capable of living large and in charge.
I’m ready to pay the price.
Are you?