by Katie

April 12, 2021

YOU, and you alone are in control of your thoughts.

Many of us are rolling around thoughts about things we have no control over, and attempting to create a specific outcome for ourselves.

The problem here is that we are trying to create something new but with an old system that hasn’t gotten us any results close to what we want.

When we are facing a situation where we don’t know the outcome and have no way of knowing the outcome, our mind immediately fills the void with possibilities.

The mind, however, is wired to find the worst case scenario, and will do just that to fill us with fear so that we avoid putting ourselves in the situation in the first place.

We get so caught up in worrying about all the things that could go wrong that we completely forget to give some thought to all that could go right.

When we worry, we give energy to things that probably WON’T EVER HAPPEN! Is that really the best way to be spending your energetic currency?

Focusing on things to worry about will bring you more things to worry about.

I am aligning with my Reiki Master’s training that begins today, and choosing this Reiki principle to focus on right now: Just for today I will not worry.

Worry only takes away your peace in the present moment. It takes you out of the moment completely and puts you in a future of anticipatory delusion, confusion, and stress.

To me, that doesn’t sound like the best use of my time, energy, or day, and so I am choosing to not worry about that which I can not control.

I choose to focus on the things I CAN control (my words, thoughts, actions, feelings, and beliefs) while I hold space for everyone else to do the same.

My mantra for the past few years has been “I can not control what other people think, say, do, or feel.”

This allows me to not worry about what people do (because I can’t control it) and gives me space to focus on what I need and how I feel.

When I find myself worrying about something today, I am going to take a deep breath and pull myself back to balance.

I will allow myself to sit with the feeling of worry (being out of control) and acknowledge it. I will ask it what it needs to tell me.

Then I will have compassion for myself and give myself permission to move forward anyway, even if worry wants to tag along (it can hang out in the back seat).

And just for today, I choose to see what’s on the other side of worry.

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