by Katie

April 7, 2021

Do you struggle to love yourself? I know I did. For DECADES.

It left me feeling completely rejected, angry, and depressed. So much so that I ended up with an awful drinking problem to numb the fact that I didn’t want to be on the planet.

In fact, I HATED myself.

And I didn’t know how to change.

I was always sick and tired. Of EVERYTHING. And one day I got so sick and tired of being sick and tired that I decided (for realz this time) that something needed to change.

And that something was love.

It was time to start loving myself because waiting around for someone else to do it obviously was going to keep me waiting for the rest of my life.

NO ONE CAN LOVE YOU FOR YOU. That’s all on you Bae. YOU have to love YOURSELF before you can expect someone else to love you the way you want to be loved.

Read that again.

It starts with you. I know sometimes it can be hard to do, trust me, I’ve been there a thousand times.

But let me tell you: LOVE HEALS.

You have to be willing to go in before you can get out. And when you reconnect with the vibration of love, EVERYTHING changes.

And you deserve a life filled with love (along with everything else you desire).

So I’ll just leave this here for you as a reminder. 💗

And if no one has told you today let me say it. I love you. I think you’re amazing AF and I LOVE watching you win.

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