This is a time of powerful new beginnings.
Yet we often meet up with our besties, fear and resistance, when it comes to taking the steps we KNOW we need to take to get to where we want to go.
The most common excuse I find (with myself and my clients) is “I don’t know how”. This one statement can derail your efforts faster than an unsupervised toddler with glitter at craft time.
When you say “I don’t know how” you are basically telling the universe that you don’t want any assistance because you are being too lazy to figure it out. You are letting your fear of failing get in the way of doing ANYTHING. So usually, you end up doing nothing.
If you’re anything like me, when you do this for a day or two the shame spiral sets in. The berating and self guilt tripping of “look at all the time you wasted” and “you should have DONE something damnit, now you have to scramble” only makes things worse as you beat yourself up for what you consider to be a “mistake”.
Instead of serving yourself a big ‘ole plate of disrespect, what would happen if you caressed yourself with compassion instead?
Would you be willing to say “I’m in the process of figuring it out” or “I’ve done things I didn’t know how to do before, so I can do it again”, or even “who do I know that can help me?”
When you change around your wording to be proactive and positive, you create the space for the answers to reveal themselves to you. They’re always there, we just can’t always access them.
Especially when we’re in the energy of “I don’t know”.
In truth, we DO know, we just don’t give ourselves credit for the amazing superpowers we have. Intuition, trust, and divine guidance is always surrounding us, waiting to be noticed.
It’s up to us to flip the switch and access this information. We do this by showing up in a way that says “Yes, I can absolutely figure this out because I am resourceful”.
We show up this way by listening to our gut, having the ability to trust what we hear, and facing our fears about doing what is necessary if we want to have our reward.
The illusion of not knowing is the only thing stopping us.
How are YOU moving past the illusion and trusting that you already know what to do?