by Katie

September 16, 2020

Taking the time to rest, especially when we feel overwhelmed, is usually the one thing we need yet is the one thing we overlook.

We are consumed by the rapidness of our day to day lives that are filled to the brim and we tend to get caught up in the events that fly by at the speed of light, consumed by our to-do list, and even forget important dates and appointments if they’re not written down.

Sometimes we forget that our bodies heal during deep REM sleep states, and when we take sleep out of the mix because we have ‘too much to do’ or can’t sleep due to our worries, our entire being suffers.

We think that resting takes us away from what we need to get done or that is it a luxury for those who don’t have kids, work, a family to take care of, yadda, yadda, yadda, but in fact, if we DON’T stop and take the time to rest, our body will pick a time for us.

Know your warning signs that your body is in need of something, and be sure to acknowledge it. Your body is a messenger and is sending you signs all day long, tho most of the time we ignore what it is trying to tell us.

Our eyes may feel heavy, we may lose our focus and concentration, feel a dip in our energy, or even get triggered to reach for a glass of wine when we are in fact being told to take a break.

We resist this feeling because we are wired with the “should’s” society has filled us with, like our workday is 9-5 and there are no nap breaks for adults, we “should” be able to handle a full day at work, and then go home and take care of dinner, the kids, family, etc.

But what if we acknowledged the feeling?

When you are being told to rest, give it a try. Even 20 minutes can be beneficial. 5 minutes of deep breathing can be very restorative. Even taking a few minutes to journal a stream of consciousness can be a way to decompress if you can’t take a nap. Sometimes all you need is to clear your mind.

Being able to continue your day from a renewed energetic standpoint will do wonders for you. You will be more focused and creative. You will feel better and therefore you will be better. You will be able to make choices from a clearer place and most of all, you will have given your body exactly what it needed.

I invite you today to take a moment and listen to what your body is telling you. You might not be able to indulge in the request for rest right at the moment, but at least being aware of the signals will set you up for success in the future.

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