by Katie

December 8, 2021

You are destined to fulfill whatever journey you chose.

Stop resisting. You can not escape your destiny. What’s meant for you will find its way eventually.

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, you met with your Spirit Counsel and made a decision about what you were to do here on this planet. You mapped out your existence, you filled yourself with unique gifts and talents, and designed your ultimate purpose. You placed your order and when it was done cooking, BAM, you showed up on Earth screaming, naked, and grasping those first breaths of air.

Yes, you can change the trajectory of your life any way you want with the choices that you make today, as they directly affect your tomorrow. However, you are led to make those choices by the course you set for yourself before you came barreling down the vortex to planet Earth.

None of us are from here. We all are eternal spirit, or soul, connected to and created from the great cosmic dust of the entire universe. We are multidimensional, multifaceted spiritual beings having a human experience. We are so much more than we are led to believe.

As the course of your life unfolded, all the plans you previously made for yourself began to unravel and thread themselves through the invisible fabric that weaves our lives. Your path aligned itself with the Earth, your soulmates were planted along the way, and everything was set to activate at just the right time and place, exactly when you needed it.

Living out your life, you are given opportunities to make choices aligned with your path. You just know when something is right because it feels right. It lights you up. It makes your heart sing. You get all giddy and act like a kid in a candy store.

The Hard Stuff is Good Too

Sometimes, though, you make choices that seemingly pull you away from your path. You know deep inside you’re not aligned but for some reason you are compelled to do it anyway. These times give you big life lessons, so are you really off your course or are you just “filling in the blanks” so to speak with some new information?

These times when we stray from where we think we need to go offer us valuable feedback about something we need to experience. Not all encounters and relationships are uplifting, and those that are unpleasant are here to teach us what we need to learn. All of those occurrences that leave you feeling discouraged are just as important as those that do not.

The important thing to remember is that whatever shows up in your life is meant for you. As you have set your course here, you follow that map wherever it leads. It’s never linear as we are led to believe, and often we feel like we’re taking steps backwards with some of the events that pop up for us to delve into.

You can’t escape what’s meant for you. It’s going to find its way regardless because you set it up as part of your journey. Call it fate, call it destiny, call it fulfilling your purpose, it’s all the same at the end of the day. Your destiny, your fate, is to live out the timeline you put in place, as you have a very specific mission on the planet, whether you know it or not. And you came to play it out- no ifs, ands, or buts.

Not everyone here will understand your mission, as it is unique to you, and that’s ok. We need to remember that we’re all here on our own journeys and have to play our part within the network of human existence. Not everyone will be on board, especially if you have painful lessons you came here to learn.

People we have placed on our path to assist us could be called our soulmates. These can be friends, family, lovers, animals, or complete strangers, and the encounters are designed to break you open and move you forward in massive ways. That’s why some people who believe they have met their “soulmates” are devastated after they break up, but really they have just learned a valuable lesson in some area of their life that this other person was meant to show them.

Quite often when you’re in the midst of a painful experience you aren’t able to see the blessing. You are clouded with emotions, but after the dust settles you are able to look back with a new lens of perception and see that it really was for the best. You can extract the wisdom, change the emotion, and continue your journey all the wiser.

Set Yourself Free

Attempting to control situations you don’t understand only makes life harder as you are resisting what naturally wants to come through. Feeling unpleasant emotions is an experience many don’t want to have, and so we resist, push down, avoid, and deny having to feel them, whereas accepting what is happening in the present moment will open up the flow and eventually lead you to effortless, more pleasant solutions.

Pushing away what deep down you know you desire only leads to pain and suffering. Fear and expectations get in the way, as do the projections others hurl your way out of their own fear and limitations. But when you know, you know, and what’s meant for you will be there.

You can’t screw up the path you set for yourself. You may consciously think your life sucks, is hard, unfair, or you’ll never “make it”, but ultimately you may need to learn some other lessons before you can really get to the good stuff. And so, you’re given “stepping stones” of experiences that lead you to grow, change, and gain new perspectives on who you are and what your life is all about. 

In order to get what you want, you have to make room for it. You have to clear out space within your field to allow it through the door and into your life. You do this by seeing things in a different light, gaining new awareness about yourself and your reactions, recognizing and transmuting your old patterns, programs, and conditioning, and by accepting the present moment for what it is. You let go of control and start allowing.

This is how what’s meant for you will find you. You are divinely guided and will always be right where you need to be. It may not always be a fun, pleasurable situation you find yourself in, but you’re there for a reason, and everyone you encounter has a gift of information for you. You just need to be open and willing to find it.

Your path was set long ago and when you came here, but with the energetic patterns surrounding this planet, you forgot and had to spend some time remembering. It’s ok, we’re all here to remember our ultimate plan and purpose. You can’t stray from it. You will always be divinely led exactly where you need to go.

Everything you need will make its way to you and all you need to do is stay the course. Trust in your bigger vision. Trust that every experience you have is meant to help you grow, learn, and evolve into the person you are destined to be.

Maybe you’re here to make a big change in the way the world works, maybe you’re here to be an amazing parent, or maybe you’re here to just appreciate the beauty of the planet. Whatever you’re here to do, do it with full presence and trust that what is meant for you will come.

Aren’t quite sure the Universe heard your request for assistance? Rest assured and read this article to help you release and relax about calling in what you need. Or, if you’re having trouble embracing your journey, read this for some words of wisdom.

Check out my other articles on living a more conscious, happier, healthier life on the blog

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