by Katie

June 3, 2021

“It’ll never happen for me. I’m destined to live a life that’s small. I’ve sacrificed my ‘good years’ and now I’m too old to start something new. I’ve pushed my dreams aside for so long they seem like a nostalgic picture book from childhood. I mean, women aren’t supposed to pursue their dreams when they have family responsibilities. Are they?”

This thought process has dulled my desire to dream for too long.

It’s hard to believe that I actually would think these things, but I’ve noticed that I’m not the only one. So many women are waking up to the fact that society has conditioned us to give up on creating the life we want so we can live “small”, not just under the patriarchal standards society has set in place, but in our own minds, doubting our worth, strength, and power.

This has caused many women to suffer in silence and feel ashamed of their dreams and desires.

But it ends here. 

No more should we be stuffed in a corner with our dreams, expected to cater to everyone else’s expectations, having deepest desires called “cute” or hearing “oh, that’s nice” if we do finally get the courage to voice them.

No more should we be hiding who we are behind the curtains the generations before us hung.

Oh hell no, my fellow Warriors. It is time to stand in our power, fully recognizing how incredible we are, and following every last damn desire we can drum up.

Women of the world are awakening.

We are becoming aware of who we are as individuals, and how we can bond together to create beautiful tribes that support each and every one of us in exactly the way we need.

We are voicing our concerns for ourselves, our wants, our thoughts, our feelings. We are reconnecting with ourselves through deep acts of self love- stripping away anything toxic we no longer wish to wear. Shedding the skin of the past like a snake, if you will, so that we may grow into the next layer of who we were always meant to be.

As we birth these new versions of ourselves into the world every day, we still honor the work done by our ancestors. Perhaps the generation or two before us got rooted in these programs we are unlearning today, but we can still have massive love and gratitude for all they went through. 

It gave us the ability today to see, acknowledge, release, and integrate all the pain, suffering, unhappiness, anxiety, envy, depression, anger, sadness, low self-worth, and so much more that we experience in our daily lives.

It takes the woman of today to release the women of yesterday.

Any generational pain ends with those who are brave enough to face it.

Our ancestors of a time long gone were more connected to Mother Earth, and this is where we are returning as New Earth blooms beneath us. Honoring their connection to our home planet, to each other, and to the services they brought to their community allow us to build anew. But now we are stronger, wiser, and blessed by their gifts and knowledge.

We have this incredible ability to move forward in a colossal way. We are connected to something much bigger than we are, and we know it. Every woman who has ever felt a pull to “do something” but doesn’t know what is experiencing that all-encompassing Universal energy.

As each beautiful woman begins to open her eyes to this energy, begins to see inexplicable “miracles” showing up in life, and begins to feel it swirling in her veins, she begins to step into her power. She begins to realize just how powerful she really is as she watches her life change right in front of her.

She starts to see things differently. She starts to see herself differently. And she wants to know more. 

Her curiosity has been peaked and she’s approaching with caution. She feels weird, crazy even, telling anyone about the synchronicities she’s been experiencing or that she’s exploring her “gifts” she’s all of a sudden realized she has.

But she’s willing to divulge because it makes her feel alive. She’s willing to crack the egg and see what’s on the inside. She’s made the commitment to start the process.

And it’s a beautiful process. 

It’s also a messy process that will rip you in two and leave you to put all the pieces back together alone, in the dark, shaking from the sobs that have swollen your eyes shut.

But just like the Japanese art of repairing broken things with gold, putting the pieces back together with a new bonding agent allows for a stronger, and often more interesting, piece of art. Which we all are.

We are as unique as our journey, yet we are all connected as one.

It is through this connection that we find our ability to stand in our truth, stepping into the world as only we can. This is because we feel loved, supported, strong, and fearless. We feel powerfully connected to that universal energy and to each other, with the knowledge that everything we need is available to us.

Now the fun begins.

As our sisters awaken, they are learning that they are powerful attractors. They are attracting their tribes. Asking for guidance, assistance, and resources. And they are finding that when they ask, they receive.

For far too long, many of us women have been afraid to ask for what we want out of fear of coming off as selfish or ungrateful. But not honoring ourselves does not make us selfish or selfless. It makes us suffer. 

We weren’t designed to suffer. We were designed to thrive and be joyful creators of our futures. And we can only do this by honoring ourselves and what we came here to do. Our dreams and desires point us towards that purpose and it is up to us to have the faith to follow it.

We are ALL powerful creators and this information has been kept under wraps, mostly by those who fear it (this crazy thing we call “magic”), don’t understand it, or for whatever reason want to try to keep humans under control. 

In the Truth with a capital “T”, we are all free. We have the ability to choose our thoughts, choose our feelings, and choose to take action (or not). This is how our realities are created in the first place: intending, feeling the essence of the intent, and then following any guidance or inspiration around said intent. Every single person on this planet has the ability to do this, it just comes down to whether they believe it or not.

Women are being tapped on the shoulder to turn around and acknowledge this ability. We are hearing whispers that say “follow your dreams and life will be everything you want”. Sometimes we follow, sometimes we don’t, and there’s that window being created where we can see what happens in both scenarios. 

How does it feel when you look back and say “yeah, I should have followed that” versus how it feels to say “I did a thing!”? One word comes to mind: Powerful.

We keep hearing the phrase “step into your power” and this is exactly what it means. Trust in your ability to manifest the things you desire in life. Trust that your dreams and desires are important, valuable, and that they matter. Trust that YOU matter.

As you start opening your eyes to all the magic life has to present to you, always know that the universe supports you. All of life supports you and your dreams, and whatever else you came here to do. 

Remember, if you weren’t the one who could make it happen, those dreams would belong to someone else.

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