The transformation process of birth, life, death, and rebirth is the natural cycle of growth. Nature cycles through this regularly, and so do we, especially when we are on a journey of spiritual healing. The intentional process brings us into deeper alignment with who we are, as we shed the energies of who we are not.
October’s energies and celestial events did not disappoint, and were spot on when it comes to showing us what’s next. It’s all about aligned intentions and action to open ourselves up to who we are truly meant to be.
Last month was intense. Kind of feels like we were ripped open and thrown on the floor. And then run over by a bus. There have been so many changes, events, and experiences that have left a lot of us looking around like what the hell just happened?
Transforming the Seeds of Intention
Here’s the deal — we’ve been weeding our inner garden bed preparing it to be replanted with seeds of aligned intention. We’ve harvested the fruits of our labor with the growth we’ve experienced in the past four months since the summer solstice. We’ve learned so much about ourselves in the past four weeks that we can’t possibly continue along the same path we’ve been going.
The universe is shaking everything up so we can find some new seeds falling from new trees that we can replant in our bed. These are inspirations and dreams we’ve pushed to the side in search of fulfillment somewhere else. It will always be a fruitless search when the attention is outside oneself, and we are being pulled away from experiences like this so we can return our attention inwards.
This is a powerful time to have clarity about your intentions, as you are subconsciously planting and nurturing what you focus your attention on. Look for aligned feelings and joy, and declare to yourself and the universe you want more of these good feelings.

Huge growth is here for us and it’s going to require surrendering attachments to things, people, experiences, and ideas. We have to create space to receive what we’ve asked for.
We can’t take our baggage with us to the next level, so what needs to be let go of? What are you not willing to release yet, and are you willing to explore the reasons why?
What do you want to plant for intentions and see grow over the next few months?
The Rewards of Alignment
At the end of summer and beginning of fall we began to reap the rewards of the work we’ve done over the past year. We are coming into deeper alignment with what is meant for us, and seeing the incongruence in what is not.
Many aspects of our life feel like they’re crumbling, and truly this is to make way for what is new. The old systems must fall in order for a new program to be installed. This is part of the harvest. Weeding the bed of your intentions alongside gathering the fruits of your labor leaves you with a fresh clean garden to work your magick in.
When you know what you don’t want, you discern what you do want. Gather up all the experiences that leave you feeling empowered and inspired, and leave behind those that drain, disempower, or are unhealthy.
Embracing the Cycle of Growth
Change doesn’t have to be hard, though it’s rarely easy. We resist change on multiple levels, but if nothing changes, nothing changes. We stay right where we are, stunted, caught in a cycle, but not one of growth.
Discomfort and friction must be felt in order to have growth — nothing ever came from your comfort zone. You have your own birth-life-death-rebirth cycle on a constant basis as you change, grow, and expand with every experience, every day.
Leaving the old you behind requires an acceptance and grieving period.
We must let our old selves die in order to be reborn as a higher, clearer version of ourselves.
Letting old perspectives and belief systems die creates the space for something new to anchor in, and we can do it with grace and gratitude.

Seasonal Changes
We are at the place of death and rebirth as we move into the fall and winter months. This powerful time of transition leaves us with fertile soil to plant our new intentions. Preparation for our own personal transformation is taking place as we think back along the year and what we’ve accomplished.
The last seven weeks of 2023 offer us time to allow these changes to sink in, as this has been quite a year of transformation and growth. There is much to integrate as we continue to free ourselves of the emotional bonds and beliefs that have kept us stuck.
The energy supports action and alignment right now, so the more you follow your intuitive guidance the more aligned you will feel. Listen to your heart, your body, and the inspirations that are expressed through you.
The work is always worth it when you celebrate every success.