by Katie

August 19, 2020

To All The Warriors…

I stand with you Brothers and Sisters

Those who fight the battles no one else sees

The ones who shine their lights

Yet endure the relentless Darkness

Day after day

Year after year

Lifetime after lifetime.

We walk together in the Shadows

Bonded by ethereal servitude

Slaying the demons infecting our own lives

While annihilating the hellhounds

Others have unleashed upon us.

We’ve been to Hell and back.

We’re bruised, beaten, battered, bloody

Yet we still remain standing

Poised and primed

For the moment we are called

To draw the sword

To lift the shield

To reveal the truth to the eyes that are willing

To cast their gaze upon

The illusion of the façade.

We are the ones who pave the way.

Our war is far from over.

More and more Brothers and Sisters

Are suiting up for battle

As our band of Freedom Fighters

Return us all to the Light.

We will not stop.

We cannot stop.

We cannot be stopped

For this is a war we chose to fight

Long before we chose to come here.

And we will fight to the bitter end

No matter how close we are pushed to the edge

No matter how far down we are plunged

No matter how imminent death appears

We will carry out our orders

As this is

Our commitment.

Our assignment.

Our responsibility

To all of humanity and New Earth.

It is not a burden

It is a Blessing

Walking side by side

Feeling the immense strength and power

From those devoted to the mission.

Together we stand in the Light.

Together we rise.

Together we survive.

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