by Katie

February 4, 2021

Every time we interact with someone, we exchange energy.

That energy usually remains in our field unless it is consciously cleared.

An example of this is when you get cut off in traffic and you end up feeling crappy and angry all day. You are carrying around this energy unconsciously, and it has a negative effect on you.

This also can prevent a good night’s sleep (I know from decades of experience 😩🥺). You carry that energy to bed, and guess what… it’s still there when you wake up, hanging around like stank morning breath.

I got to a point in my life where I’d only sleep a couple of hours a night, sometimes less than 20 hours in a week, because I was carrying the energy of others with me. This was especially prevalent when I was watching the news. (Please, stop this madness and turn off the tv. Trust me, you’ll sleep GREAT!). I started noticing how I was feeling, and it wasn’t good.

Then I tried this: clearing my energy before bed.

It was super easy and only took a minute or two.

You can do it several ways. Here are three of my favorites:

  1. Physically “brush” off your body, pushing the energy off you with your hands and directing it either towards the ground or the sky.
  2. Take a shower before bed and let the water cleanse your energy field. Imagine all the energy that does not serve your highest good leaving your body and heading down the drain.
  3. Use a cord cutting meditation or intention to release the energy of others you may have taken on during the day.

I make it a point to clear my energy every day (sometimes multiple times a day). It’s helped tremendously when it comes to feeling balanced.

What do YOU do to clear your energy? Let me know in the comments!

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