by Katie

December 30, 2020

Words matter. That’s why it’s called “spelling”.

Every word spoken or thought carries an energetic vibration.

This vibration resonates throughout the Universe, and is miraculously reconnected with us through the various experiences of our lives.

We’ve all heard about the Law of Attraction where like attracts like, and this applies to the energy of words and thoughts we utilize in our day to day lives.

We are literally creating our future by the energetic transfer of what we are thinking and saying right now, in this moment.

When we stop for a minute and think about what is about to come out of our mouths, we can change the energy of our statements.

Words can carry enough energy to cut someone on a deeper level than a knife, and with agonizing emotional scars left to painstakingly care for, often times for years after the original incident occurred.

In this day and age, many people aren’t even aware of what they say, much less what they even think on a regular basis.

This lack of awareness causes us to have spitfire knee-jerk reactions to things that trigger intense emotional states of being within us.

It’s our perception of these words that elicit the emotional response. This is based on our life experiences we’ve had up to this point, our understanding of the world and how it works, and the belief system we operate under.

Yet, we also must be aware of the words we are choosing to use in given circumstances.

It often occurs that we unintentionally hurt others with our words because we are not careful in choosing how we express ourselves.

But another underlying perspective is that we allow ourselves to get bent out of shape by words because we haven’t done the proper healing around what is triggering the pain in the first place.

Ultimately, this is a two way street.

Every word you speak (or think) is conjuring up some type of energy around it. Some words have more weight than others, and can be clearly felt in conversation or literature. Some words lift you up, while others throw you down, and it’s obvious which is which by the way you are left feeling.

So what would happen in your life if you routinely, consciously, chose words that would allow you to set up your life to be a breathtaking series of miracles?

Do you believe this is even possible?

There is something seeming magical about the ability to cast a spell and have it come true, no?

Essentially, this is what you’re doing in every moment of every day. You just haven’t been introduced to the appeal or the power yet.

When you have conscious control over what you think and say, you become the ultimate creator of your life. The spells you cast are reflected as manifestations in your life. Suddenly, you’re in the flow of this incredible, awe-inspiring energy of creativity and momentum.

Imagine living your life as an enchanted being, with the wondrous ability of creation at your fingertips, having your wildest dream coming true, right before your eyes.

This untamed existence is sitting here now, waiting for you to notice it.

And it’s not a joke. It’s not unattainable, immoral, or a secret kept only for an elite few. It’s available to everyone, everywhere, at anytime.

Magic flows through us when we are deeply connected to the energy of things. In fact, everything is just a wavelength, and when we get in tune and ride that wave, life becomes an endless string of alluring, enchanted, magical experiences.

Harnessing the power to fearlessly conjure the energy of what we desire is what “spelling” is all about.

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