by Katie

October 14, 2021

🚫🚫🚫 STOP 🚫🚫🚫

In the name of love?

Collaborate and listen?

And smell the roses?

…Is it hammer time???

How about 🚫 STOP 🚫 and notice what’s happening in your body right now. No judgment, no analyzing, no trying to change. Just notice.

What’s the benefit of doing this you might ask.

Becoming present.

In the present moment there is massive power, and after all, the present moment is all we have.

When you are fully present in your body, and can just notice what you’re experiencing at the moment, you tune into a powerful flow of energy that can be used to create a new outcome.

This can be used to change an emotional, physical, or mental state, AND to create a desired future timeline.

By tuning in, especially when you are in an elevated emotional state from perhaps being triggered, offers you the opportunity to dissolve and repurpose that energy instead of embedding it into your cells and energy field.

This allows you to return to peace and harmony quickly. By allowing yourself to fully experience the emotion, you let it pass through, and can often receive valuable information in the process.

Emotions are just energy in motion, and when we decide to identify with them, pain and suffering tend to accompany that identification. We attempt to justify why we need to “hold on” to what we feel, but ultimately that just keeps perpetuating the cycle.

Fully feeling it through helps to release that identification and reminds us that all emotions are temporary; they’re just part of our perceptual reactionary processing of physical information we receive through our life experiences.

So, what’s happening in your body right now?

Do you feel any different after reading this post? Let me know in the comments!

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