by Katie

June 8, 2021

Do you judge your storms?

I know I do.

But… today, I am deeply embodying this storm, because it is finally time to stop all the judgment of what I think I’m “supposed” to do.

Some days look like a photocopy of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (great book by Stephen Covey, btw) where I actually get shit done, I’m focused, compassionate, and aligned; while others look like wine, weed, and a wheel of cheese for breakfast. #nojudgment

But instead of beating myself up and spending the day cuddling toilet paper (seriously easy – just wipe your tears and snot, then roll til you end up with a nice wet wad….wait that doesn’t sound quite right haha), feeling like a lazy ass good for nothing who will never accomplish anything, I’ve decided to embrace the impending shit storm of shame.

It might just be the PMS, the cosmic retrograde BS, or just another stage of the awakening process, but boy oh boy am I something lately.

The anger, resentment, frustration, and all over irritability is off the charts. I haven’t been this riled up in a LONG time.

However, since I’m a #queen, I figure that instead of allowing myself to fall apart like my dinner on Taco Tuesday, I will allow myself to be open to seeing ALL sides of the spectrum.

I have committed to asking myself the following questions:

💫 What can I learn from this?

💫  How does the blame I am projecting reflect back on me?

💫 Where I am not showing up in a way conducive to what I want, and what can I do to change that?

💫 How can I show more compassion and understanding towards others while still being true to myself?

💫 What are three action steps I can take to move forward?

Taking a breath and stepping back (which is when I wrote this post) allows me the space I need to reflect and remind myself that I am the creator here. The things in my life show up because I have made space for them.

When there’s things I don’t want, I know I have the ability to remove them. I have to always be grateful they’ve showed up so that I can discern what I want and what I don’t. Then, it’s UP TO ME to take the actions to create the things I want more of.

Lately, there’s been a lot coming up about the way I feel about myself and my ability to make my dreams come true. I know I self sabotage and I’ve asked for help in removing these patterns.

A part of healing this sabotage is self love. Loving ALL the things about myself, ESPECIALLY the things I consider to be “flaws”.

So if today is a wine, weed, and wheel of cheese for breakfast kind of day, well, ok. I’ll embrace that shit. I’ll play that part out and see what reveals itself to me. There’s always a message in the mess, and when you’re willing to just be, without judgment, then you will learn and grow.

I believe that whatever presents itself to you is because it’s MEANT for you. If a day that “doesn’t look ‘normal'” shows up, I say go with it because there’s a reason you need to have that experience.

Stop judging what shows up and how you respond to it. Absolutely reflect, but without judgment. Look for the lessons, gifts, wisdom, and growth. Life is meant to be enjoyed. So if wine, weed, and a wheel of cheese brings you bliss today, by all means then, enjoy the hell out of it.

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