Sound Healing Fundamentals

Are you looking to add a new healing modality to your personal or business wellness routine that offers relaxation and rejuvenation like you’ve never felt before? Join Katie Cavenagh at the Red Barn in Durham, CT to become a certified sound healer and discover how to incorporate sound into your practice.

Sound healing offers a unique way to revitalize your physical body and energy field. It not only helps dislodge stagnant energetic patterns, eases stress and tension, promotes better sleep, calms the central nervous system, and can bring on mystical experiences, but it also changes the molecular structures in your body!

bronze singing bowl with mala beads and bamboo background

The human body is composed mostly of water, which responds to vibrational frequencies. Music, nature, words, thoughts, and feelings are all vibrations we can feel throughout our body, whether subtly or intensely.

When we are constricted from taking on too much outside, programmed, or projected energy, our system falls out of balance. Sound healing creates a path for us to come back into harmony by aligning our energy (and water) with a lighter frequency of peace, acceptance, gratitude, and love.

Using sound through any instrument can bring on a state of calm, relaxing us and releasing our mind from the constant chatter. Specific techniques and instruments can entrain the conscious mind (the brain), giving you a direct connection to your subconscious. 

Vibrational Healing 

Healing from the inside out by changing the structure of your molecular patterns might sound like science fiction, but from the work of Dr. Masuru Emoto we see that vibrations or sound (be it thoughts, words, music, prayers, etc) have a direct effect on the molecular structure of water. And since we are upwards of 85% water, this information is crucial to our knowledge of self-healing practices.

water crystals from dr masuru emoto's experiements
Katie Salt Cave Gongs


I'm Katie Cavenagh

Certified Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner and Instructor. 

I've been studying and facilitating sound healing under the mentorship of Ed Cleveland at the Ed Cleveland Sound & Reiki Training Center in Hartford, CT since 2020, and am a second year graduate of the year long Rigpa Sound Masters Teachers Program of 2023, having graduated previously from the Rigpa Shamnic Sound Masters Program in 2022.

I have over 500 hours of classroom study and practical application of sound healing and meditation, hold group and private sessions at The Red Barn in Durham (CT), and can be found at events at several other venues in the local area.

Sound Healing Can Help With...

Better Sleep

By relieving your conscious mind of what it wants to hold on to, you can free up the space to relax and let the body heal itself while you sleep deeply and soundly.

Reduced Tension

The healing frequencies of certain sounds promote relaxation in the body. Alleviate stress, restriction, physical and emotional pain though sound vibrations.

Emotional Release

Sound vibrations can help the body to release attachments to emotional imprints and residue we've been carrying with us. Let go of the past and be present.

Balanced Energy

Bring yourself back into harmony. Experience the Divine love and light when you come back into a place of balance, peace, and presence.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” 

- Nikola Tesla

Building a foundation of techniques and knowledge around sound healing can offer you deep insight for working on yourself or others. Sound vibrations can give you access to parts of yourself you might have closed off, and with proper training, can give others a safe, sacred space to process their emotions and challenges as well.

Creating a basis for your learning will assist your healing practice as you continue to develop and refine your skills. Build upon your knowledge from a solid base, no matter which way you continue to grow.

Become a Certified Sound Healer

5 gongs in a line

Sound Healing Set Up at The Red Barn in Durham, CT

Sound Healing Fundamentals Level 1:


Level 1 sound healing fundamentals introduces you to the world of vibration. Discover how sound frequencies and vibrations affect the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies, and how to bring them back into balance. 

In this introductory course, you will apply this new information to yourself as a self-healing practice in order to familiarize yourself with the material and techniques.

Working with all different instruments and the five elements, you will explore soundscapes designed to bring you to a mindful state of calm presence. Create space for your growth through a meditation practice that can evolve with you as you hone your skills.


Your Personal Healing Journey

This is what we’ll cover in Level 1 Sound Healing Fundamentals 
for Self-Healing:
  • Understanding vibrations from a quantum perspective
  • How sound healing has been used to treat various ailments 
  • Mindfulness practices using sound elements
  • The Power of Words and how vibrations affect the body
  • Sound healing instruments
  • Sound healing techniques for constructive creation of soundscapes
  • Using sound for healing yourself
  • Overview of the five elements and how to apply them to your personal sound healing
  • Caring for the self and creating protective boundaries for gentle healing.
sound healing set up

Sound Healing at The Red Barn in Durham

More Info

Classes run on the second Sunday of the month from 11am - 4pm, in person at The Red Barn in Durham, CT.

$250 investment per person per class OR full pay for the entire certification (5 sessions) for a $250 savings. Cash, check, Venmo, and PayPal accepted. 

Pre-registration required. Email to register.

You will receive a certificate of acknowledgement for each class you complete, and a Sound Healer Certification will be given upon completion of all 5 sessions and applied practice (25 classroom hours, plus homework assignments). 

2024 Class Schedule

* Sound Healing Fundamentals Level 1 (For self-healing) $250
FEB 11TH, 11AM -4PM  

* Sound Healing Fundamentals Level 2 (For group facilitation) $250

* Sound Healing Fundamentals Level 3 - Two-Part Series (For private clients) $500

* Sound Healing Certification Practicum $250

Specialized classes for gongs, bells, singing bowls, and percussion also available
for Levels 1-3 (personal, group, and individual clients). $250 per person per class.

6 Session Elemental Sound Healer Certification available for private or semi private study. $1111 per person.

Email to Register

Becoming a certified sound healer adds value to your professional business practice and assists you with deeper healing along your own journey. Certification shows you spent time with a trained professional to gain a true understanding of the material and have proved you are capable of applying it in specified ways.

This 5 part series will take you into what you need to know to use sound healing for yourself, as well as provide safe sound healing sessions for others. A solid framework of the fundamentals for different levels of practice will be explored, and an introduction to elemental sound will be required before training for 1:1 clients in level 3, in order to ensure students fully comprehend the power of working with sound energy.

sound healing certification flyer

Level 2 - Facilitating Group Sessions

Take your sound healing into the world by facilitating sound baths, collaborative soundscapes, concerts, and sound healing meditations.

After applying the techniques used in self healing and discovering how to create a sound healing for yourself, deepen your knowledge of using this energy with others.

Group sessions create a wonderful experience for people to share, offer a sense of community, and open a sacred space for collective healing. Take your self-healing practice and expand it through service. 

Discover avenues for creating different soundscapes for relaxation, vitality, general energy healing, improved sleep, increased energy, and more. (Elemental Sound Healing, covered in Level 3, goes into specific soundscapes for each of the five elements that can be used for specific ailments and 1:1 practice.)

group sound healing outdoors on mountain
bronze singing bowls

The Level 2 Group Facilitation class covers:

  • Opening and closing sacred space 
  • Constructing your sound scape from start to finish
  • Meditation practices and techniques
  • The Power of Words Part 2: Resonance and Your Power
  • Basic energy reading 
  • Sending healing through sound and vibration
  • Soundscape collaboration
  • Acousmatic Sound Theory
  • Sound healing techniques for creating group meditations
  • Tips for starting a sound healing business

Level 3 - Private Sessions (2 Part Series)

In this two-part series, dive into working directly with the five elements and how using sound amplifies and compliments their energies. Explore a glimpse into each element and how to utilize the elemental properties for specific ailments.
(Full training available now privately or take the Elemental Sound Healer Certification Course in the Fall of 2024).

Play and find new sounds from your instruments with five new techniques to add to your practice.
Create brand new soundscapes with deeper purpose and power. You must learn and discover on yourself first before bringing them into a private practice, which is covered in the subsequent class.

Having this deeper wisdom allows you to provide clients with a unique yet powerful mode of healing. You will have the ability to understand what sound combinations to use as well as different energies to call in when facilitating a private session.

In Part 2 of Level 3, you will learn what to do and what not to do in a private session. Ethics as well as safe sound practices will be emphasized, and participants will be offering each other supervised mini sound healings. 

We will cover multiple ways to facilitate a session for a private client, as well as how to handle different ailments, concerns, and questions a client may have. Specific techniques for using sound close to or on the body will be practiced with multiple instruments for multiple settings.

Level 3 classes bring together all the knowledge and take it one step further. This focused concentration allows for the best service to be provided for both the practitioner and their client. 

For those wanting to start a business, a basic structure will be provided.

sound healing on private client with bronze bowl

Fundamentals Certification Practicum

The final class of the series offers participants to round out their studies with a general review, Q&A, collaboration, meditation, bonus info, and more. More details to come. 

Certificate ceremony will be held from 3:45 - 4pm.

Email to Register

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