by Katie

October 16, 2023

Turn up the volume! Your intuition is speaking.

We are all psychic in some way or another. Some people choose to embrace it, others do not, but either way, our intuition is always at play. Call it a knowing, a gut feeling, your conscience, or an angel on your shoulder, at some point you’ve experienced using your intuition.

How often do we get a feeling about something or someone only to find out later it was true? How many times has your higher self given you an answer and you didn’t trust it? Why do we shy away from believing in the information we receive?

If you want to know if you are psychic, here’s how. 

Meditate. You absolutely must clear your mind and your energy if you are going to receive any information. A good, fast, and easy way to do this is to follow your breath for a few minutes and become extremely present. Notice the space around you and notice how your body feels.

Tune into the energy around you. Take note of how everything feels, including your body. Then ask your question. Notice how the information might come to you by tuning into the “clairs”.

  • Clairvoyance – clear sight, seeing pictures, symbols, and/or energies
  • Clairsentience – clear feeling, usually within the body but can also be energetic
  • Clairaudience – clear hearing from Spirit, guides, or other beings, can also be in the form of static, music, or other tinkering like bells and ringing in the ears
  • Claircognizance – clear “knowing”, meaning you simply know things without knowing how you know them
  • Clairessence – clear smell, spirits communicate through smell 
  • Clairgustance – clear taste, taste conveys information

The way you receive information might come through one clair or several. Many people will have a dominant and possibly several sub-dominant clairs, meaning they receive information in a multitude of ways but one is stronger and used more often.

What’s blocking you from your psychic gifts?

The noise of the world has caused us to tune out our intuition, and many of us have been programmed to believe it’s evil or fake. However, our intuition plays a valuable role in our lives and once we stop blocking it out we can create magick for ourselves.

Getting quiet and listening to our inner voice isn’t always an easy task. There’s a lot of mind chatter, ego, and subconscious beliefs that tend to get in the way. Taking the time to practice meditation and hone your innate gifts allows them to grow, giving you even clearer insight and guidance. 

Develop a practice routine that works for you and feels good, otherwise you won’t stick to it. These gifts need to be worked out like a muscle, and the more you use them, the stronger they become. You might not notice anything at first, but keep going! Once you clear any resistance and build trust in yourself, information and signs will begin revealing themselves.

The ability to trust is where we mainly get thrown off. Often we don’t trust the information coming through. We doubt it because it’s “a crazy idea” or “there’s no way I could ever know that” or we brush it off thinking it could never happen.

Be willing to believe anything is possible and that you can indeed have magick and miracles at your fingertips. Ask and you will always receive. Make a request for information from Spirit/The Universe and you will always be answered. However, you must be able to tune in and listen to receive the message.

Developing your intuition

There are many ways to develop your psychic gifts, and the best advice is to just start using them. Test things for yourself, like what the next song on the radio will be or what color car you will see next. Grab a deck of cards and intuitively call red or black. Put a bunch of colored cut ribbons in a paper bag, grab one without looking, and determine the color.

Ask for guidance and insight, signs, and proof. What comes through for you? A certain phrase you hear on the TV or in a song? Do you somehow read something that aligns exactly with what you are wanting to know? Did someone contact you out of the blue with the answer or solution? Don’t take these as coincidences, know these types of occurrences are proof that Spirit/The Universe is communicating through you.

Use tools like tarot or oracle cards, pendulums, flower essences, runes or tea leaves. Psychic information comes through in a multitude of ways, and there’s no shortage to try. Mediumship exercises can open you to different ways to decode information and strengthen your abilities to communicate with specific guides and ancestors. The most important note is to find what works best for you and stay consistent with your practice.

There’s a psychic in all of us and when you recognize the way Spirit is communicating with you, you can use your gifts to create a life full of magick and miracles.

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