by Katie

March 17, 2021

Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to die.

It’s a hard pill to swallow, but WE are the cause of most of our suffering. This is because we invite ourselves to relive experiences that leave us riding high on the intensity of survival emotions.

We do this by thinking of the situation every chance we get, feeling into the hurt, anger, guilt, shame, fear, or other emotion that doesn’t feel so great.

This causes the emotion to stay with us, causing us pain.

And get this: When you are constantly revisiting (and therefore reliving) a situation, and are calling in the emotion every time, YOUR BODY MEMORIZES THAT EMOTION/MEMORY CONNECTION!

That’s right. You’ve just conditioned yourself like Pavlov’s Dogs.

Now your BODY calls up that emotion EVERY TIME you get triggered. Just a sheer THOUGHT can cause the uprising sending you into a spiral.

Scary, huh?

That’s how MOST PEOPLE on this planet are living.

The good news is that you have the power to change it!

You can CHOOSE to let go. You are NOT required to feel the same way every time you revisit the past.

You can’t change what happened, but you CAN change the way you think about it.

You can choose love. You can choose to forgive. You can choose to learn. You can choose to let go.

Think about it- what good does it do for you to hold on to the anger (or guilt, shame, etc…)? How is it serving you?

When you choose to forgive, you are choosing peace for YOURSELF.

In NO WAY are you condoning someone’s bad behavior. You are recognizing that YOU deserve peace and by holding on you are feeding energy into the past situation, keeping it alive, and quite literally asking to feel like crap.

When you forgive, you are recognizing how you feel, allowing yourself to feel it without judgment, and that the person/people that hurt you were also hurting themselves.

For someone to project pain on to you means that they are in pain themselves. You can’t recognize an emotion in another person if you don’t recognize and acknowledge it within yourself first.

When you forgive, you are recognizing how you feel, allowing yourself to feel it without judgment, and that the person/people that hurt you were also hurting themselves.

When someone treats you badly, it is because they treat themselves badly, they’ve been treated badly in the past, and their perception of the world includes a lot of pain.

Just send them love. Send them compassion. Recognize their pain and say “I forgive you for treating me the way you did. I know you were acting from your own pain, and not your truth, and I forgive you for not knowing better. I forgive myself for allowing myself to be treated that way. I am love. You are love. We are love. I send you love and compassion as you find your way.”

I know it’s not always easy in some situations to forgive. I will say that when you can do it, it feels a whole lot better. YOU get freedom.

It’s your choice. Pain or Peace. Both are available to you. 💜🕉

And if you need support, reach out anytime.

#healing #forgiveness #mindsetmastery #love #coachingtips

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