by Katie

December 26, 2020

Claim your peace.

YOU and only you are in charge of your life, and you have the superpower of choice.

You can choose to have peace. You can choose to have chaos.
You have the ability to choose to say no to chaos and drama.

One of the places this opportunity presents itself is when you are faced with doing something you don’t really want to do, or having to be around people who completely drain you.

Are you saying yes because you feel like you’re obligated to (choosing to keep others happy at the expense of your own peace), or are you saying yes because you genuinely want to do it (choosing your happiness)?

Know that it’s ok to choose your peace over pleasing others. When you choose you, it’s bound to piss off others who want you to stay a certain way for their own benefit or because they themselves are being triggered.

This happens all the time when you are working to better yourself. Know that it is safe to choose what is best for you in the moment.

You don’t owe people explanations. Statements like “thanks for the invite but I already have plans” is a soft way to defer, as is, “I would love to help but I’m not able to fit it in my schedule right now”.

If someone insists on knowing why, you can always say “I appreciate you want to know about my life, but there are some details I wish to keep private”.

If they get upset, know it has nothing to do with you. They’re reacting based on their understanding of life, and now that you have a boundary they can’t cross anymore, they don’t know what to do.

If the same drama keeps showing up in your life over and over, ask yourself where and why you are choosing to let it in. Once you are aware of it, you can take action to course correct.

Remember, if you keep showing up and buying tickets for the circus, you will continue to be among the clowns. 

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