Don’t let your “but” get in the way.
Words and thoughts carry energy and different words have different energetic “weight”.
And every time you speak, you are casting a spell with your words.
When you use a word like “but” you literally cut off ALL the energy that potentially could have helped you with your request.
For example, “I want to be rich, BUT I’m not smart enough to make any money” or “I’m looking for a relationship, BUT there are no good people out there for me” and “I could totally start a new business, BUT I don’t know how”.
When you read these statements, what happens?
First, you get all excited about what it is that you want.
Then, your dreams and desires get flushed down the toilet because you tell yourself that the possibility doesn’t exist for you.
You shut off any potential attempting to manifest itself by contradicting what you say you want.
This is where your big ol’ but(t) gets in the way. YOU are the roadblock in this instance, so let’s sit with that for a minute (and yes, all buns…er..puns are intended 🤣).
How does it feel to not believe you can have what you desire in life? Not so great, huh?
Trust me, I’ve been there more times than I can count.
And here’s the thing- when you constantly tell yourself that it’s not possible for you to have what you want, you start to make that your norm, and create your life from that lack mentality.
That means you’ll NEVER get what you want.
The reason is because you’re trying to create your future from your past (the belief that what you want isn’t, and never will be, available to you).
What do you think could happen if you replaced “but” with “and”?
“I am building my wealth, AND I am open to new avenues of revenue coming my way.”
“I am open to a new relationship, AND I know when I’m good with me I’ll find someone who’ll compliment that energy.”
“I can totally start a new business, AND I can easily find the information I need.”
Ok, so can you see how rewording things completely changes the energy of your lack statement to one of abundance?
Now you try!
Let’s rewrite some of those old stories you keep telling yourself! You CAN have the life you want and everything in it. You just have to believe you can and align your energy.
Feel free to reach out if you’d like some guidance on how 💜