by Katie

December 28, 2020

What’s more enticing than living the life you dream of? What if everything you wanted could actually be attained, easily and effortlessly?

Are you skeptical or curious when you hear that statement?

You get to be in complete control of what you write in your book of life. You have the incredible superpower of choice. And you get to choose how you show up in life, in every moment, of every day.

That’s a glorious revelation isn’t it?

Many times, we forget we have a choice. We are on autopilot, reacting to the rampant triggers we experience when interacting with life here on this planet.

We get caught up in these obnoxious irritants that leave us reeling with raw, unprocessed emotion, ultimately infiltrating our system and wreaking havoc on our lives.

Ever notice how one interaction can completely spoil what could have been an awesome day?

It’s because we selfishly refuse to let go of what pissed us off.

We want to hold on to that emotion because it somehow gives us a soothing, albeit false, benefit of being a victim. And since our brains are wired to seek pleasure, we lovingly embrace this state of being and blindly play along with this outdated program.

Life here on this planet encourages this distorted state of being as we are constantly put in a hamster wheel of stress, fear, and complacency.

But, since we are the auspicious authors of our own stories, we have a unique opportunity to see multiple perspectives, if we so choose.

Tuning into the subtle undercurrents of what’s really happening in our lives, and seeing things for what they really are, allows us to reveal the naked truth.

Stepping out of the blatant bullshit we’ve been fed our whole lives creates the space for us to reveal new timelines and possibilities. Questioning everything with curiosity and wonder, with the sole purpose of reaching understanding, elicits clarity we can then apply to the story of our lives.

When we are able to get crystal clear on what it is that we desire, it becomes easy to write the story of how to miraculously achieve and accomplish our dreams.

Now, we can humbly surrender to the fact we are co-creators with the Universe, and summon Spirit to delightfully roam the fields of unlimited imagination.

The singular key to becoming a legendary author of a luscious life is this ability to tune in and become acutely aware of what we are choosing to have show up.

By closely examining and questioning all of our responses to external experiences, we now have the ability to see the same side of the equation from a different perspective.

With this eye-opening revelation, we can now choose to write a more pleasing story.

We can now choose to respond to life from a more compassionate, loving, empowered vantage point because we inherently know we are the power behind the pen.

Are you excited about life? Hopeful? Passionate? Fascinated?

If not, I invite you to begin questioning yourself as to why you feel this way. What are you not doing in your life that could bring you the fulfillment you long for? Where are you not allowing yourself to be enchanted by the magic life has to offer? When was the last time you unleashed your wild, ferocious, untamed creativity? How often do you let yourself just float in the blissful beauty you bring to the world?

Know that right now, in this moment, you hold immense power over your life. It’s all up to you to write a story that bubbles with the thrills that only you can dream up. Become the legend of your one and only spectacular story.

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