Sometimes it’s hard to NOT throw a comment down when something really gets under your skin. Especially a social media post.
When this happens to me, this is what I do: (which is quite often I might add)
I write the comment.
I reread the comment
I realize I’m in a heightened state of emotion
I edit
I reread the comment
I edit
I realize again I’m writing from a place of intense emotion
I realize it’s not worth my energy to try to explain myself to people who are just out to argue or attack
I delete the comment
I move on with my day because it really doesn’t matter.
If it still gets under my skin, I reach out privately for a convo so I can understand where the other person is coming from.
Here’s a perspective: If you are going around arguing with people that you are right and they are wrong, based solely on what you believe, isn’t that perpetuating the problem?
Let’s work to understand, creating win-win situations where we converse from an honest place of seeking information.
We all believe something different as we are all on our own unique journey. Just because I believe something you don’t, does that mean I’m “wrong” and you’re “right”? (The answer is no).
This is one way we can rebuild human compassion. We don’t have to stay in these old patterns.
Yes, it’s extremely difficult to let go of pride, judgment, and anger surrounding some things, yet when we do, we begin to see other perspectives and have the opportunity to make another choice.
We can choose in EVERY MOMENT how we wish to show up in the world, and we have the ability to choose to be someone different right now. We don’t have to go to bed believing the same exact things as we did this morning. We are meant to change and grow.
Do you know how much energy you expend trying to keep things the same? (Hint: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than if you just went with the flow. Life showed me that the hard way).
Believe what you believe, even if we don’t agree. I share what I share in the hope to help one person live a better life. If you don’t agree, that’s wonderful! It helps me to see other perspectives. Doesn’t mean I think differently of you or will treat you with disrespect.
It’s important to be who you are so you can experience life the way it is meant for you. You are unique and are meant to share that with with the world.