by Katie

February 22, 2021

Who’s out to create change and step into the exact life you desire to live? 🙋🏽‍♀️

Often we believe that change is ‘hard’ or ‘difficult’ but in truth, that is just a lie that we are telling ourselves. Change doesn’t have to be either of these things.

It becomes much easier to achieve your goals when you know EXACTLY what you’re aiming for.

If you want to become someone else (I, for instance, wanted to go from being depressed/bipolar II to living a life that was full of purpose and joy) then you have to start thinking, acting, and feeling like that future version of you, but you need to do it NOW.

Start doing things the new version of you would do. Think thoughts and say things that new you would think and say. Imagine how it feels to be that future you, and treat that feeling as if everything we in place this very moment.

For example, I began with affirmations about a joyful life, being able to believe it was actually possible, then trying to show up just a little bit everyday like the new version of me would.

Was it perfect? Definitely not. Did it work? Like f*ing magic. It actually became like a game of hide and seek with the universe. I’d “hide” my old vibration and “seek” out signs that the universe was listening.

As you do these things, you are changing your ‘memorized’ reactions that your body has taken control of subconsciously, and are rewiring your system for that new you.

When you change your vibration to a higher frequency, you will inevitably change your behavior to align with this new level of being.

Your brain and body don’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined, so by putting your energy into the future version of you, and showing up in a way, even if you’re ‘pretending’, that is congruent with what you want, you will literally become that new version of you easily, effortlessly, and your transformation will be like magic.

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